The Horse Who Wouldn't Die
The Biography of a Useless Horse
by H. B. Farmer
This is the true story of a horse who defied the odds and inspired a nation...wait, wait...that's the wrong story, the wrong horse. This is the story of a different kind of horse. This is the story of a failed showjumper, turned failed show hunter, turned failed school horse, who eventually found his calling as a pasture ornament. |
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The Real Horse Who Wouldn't Die
Real Name: Peter
Nicknames: Peter Pony, Master P, The Horse Formerly Known as St. Peter, The Old Bastard, The Horse Who Wouldn't Die
Age: seasoned to perfection
Value: Priceless, O.B.O.
Mottos: Only the good die young. Well-behaved horses rarely get a day off.
Peter also inspired many of our Road Apple blog posts.
An interview with Peter, the real Horse Who Wouldn't Die
Q: How does it feel to be featured in a book?
A: I am excited to finally get the recognition I deserve. I am going to be famous!
Q: What do you think about how you were portrayed in the book?
A: I think the author oversimplified me and didn't delve deep enough into my complexities. My character in the book is missing some of the nuances of my complicated personality. And I object to being called useless. Would you call a butterfly useless? Or a rainbow?
Q: So, what would you like people to know about you?
A: My hobbies are eating and rolling. Sometime I like to do both at the same time. I also like to take naps.
Q: Any advice for riders out there who are struggling with this sport?
A: You have to learn to ride the horse you have. But if you have a horse like me then hopefully you have another horse, too, so you can ride that horse.
Q: What life lessons have you learned over the years that you would like to share with younger horses?
A: It seems to me that you get fed whether you behave yourself or not, so don't put too much effort into behaving.
Q: Speaking of misbehavior, tell us about the incident of December 2007.
A: You know, you kick someone in the face one time and it's like they never let you forget it.
Q: Did you still get fed that day?
A: Yup.
Q: Do you have anything else you want to add?
A: I do think that I look quite handsome on the cover.
Alternative Dedications to "The Horse Who Wouldn't Die"
For Peter, who is always full of surprises, like that time he kicked me in the face.
For Peter, who once knocked the sense out of me.
For Peter, who taught me to ride the horse I have, not the horse I wish I had.